Workshops and Lessons

Below are resources for any S.T.A.R. group or individual to use at any time. These lesson plans, videos and discussion outlines are the foundation of S.T.A.R. and are an asset to the the education component of the S.T.A.R. mission. We encourage you to use these resources as a starting point in your journey to combat racism and injustice, wherever you are! If you are interested in starting a S.T.A.R. group, or finding one to join visit our Start A Group Page

For adults 

The Ally Workshop

The Ally Workshop, designed and led by students is for any individual seeking knowledge and tools about allyship. 

What does it mean to be an Ally? Where to start and how to bring others along? 

Through student testimonials, educational activities, and compassionate conversation this workshop can launch a life-long journey of allyship. Contact Us to inquire if the Ally Workshop can be facilitated in your school, workplace, or community gatherings. 

For middle and high school students 

Community Conversations For Change

Community Conversations for Change is a 6 session series built around education and dialogue surrounding injustice in today's society. 

At the conclusion, participants have the opportunity to use what they've learned to create a service project that supports social justice in any way students see fit.  This opportunity is designed for adults and students! Contact us for lesson outlines, project ideas, and more!

STAR Educational Shorts

The S.T.A.R. educational shorts is a 5 part lesson plan, with videos and discussion questions to follow for each session. In each video, S.T.A.R. student leaders provide examples of injustice in today's society and how to combat them. 

Watch them here, and contact us for discussion questions for your group. 

For youth 

Service Learning Lessons

S.T.A.R. student co-founders have developed a series of games, crafts and meaningful activities to inspire a younger audience to take steps towards positive change in their community. Visit our Playground Project page to see what this looks like, and how it makes an impact for both youth and leaders! Contact us if there are student leaders interested in facilitating these activities, or elementary age youth programs to connect with.